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LMN Capital


About LMN Capital

LMN Capital advises Fiducia Treuhand AG. Fiducia in turn advises the Investmentaktiengesellschaft für langfristige Investoren TGV with allocating capital for TGV Compound Interest.

Investment philosophy

my Investment Philosophy evolves around the concept of Compound interest.

My definition of compound interest is incremental constant progress over a long-time frame. It applies to many of the most important processes in the world, with evolution and learning as two of the core ones. Regarding my life and investment philosophy it means constant evolution and challenge of processes, thinking and even the most dearly held believes. My most productive days are those when I can disprove such a believe and update my view on the world. This is necessary as investing is a very competitive industry and continuous superior results are far from assured. Therefore, the concept of constant evolution / continuous improvement is core to any successful investor.

Compound Interest is the most important KPI to measure longterm sucess as an investor.

Currently I am searching the world for the following investments:

  1. Businesses with the potential to compound at high rates of returns for a long period of time

  2. led by trustworthy, rational teams with aligned interests (e.g. people who have a substantial portion of their lives, net worth and / or reputation invested in the

  3. at a price with a substantial discount to what I believe the business and the constituting team are worth in the long run

I am more than happy to provide you with my Owner’s manual in case you are interested to explore the above in more depth.

About Laurenz

I am the Founder and owner of LMN Capital GmbH.

During the financial crisis in 2008; i bought my first stock. This started a a life long passion in investing. In 2014 I turned this passion into my professional career and started at Investmentaktiengesellschaft für langfristige Investoren TGV as an Investment Professional. In April 2019 my LMN Capital GmbH was able to start subadvising TGV Compound Interest.

If you are interested in my CV, you can find it on Linkedin.

If you want to get in touch directly, dont hestitate to write me an eMail.

If you are interested in the semi-annual letter to investors, please sign up here